Larry Bilotta's Recommended List Of Resources that Produce RESULTS
If you're struggling with issues like negative thoughts, marriage problems, parenting or self image, but you're not sure where to go for help (or who to trust for that matter,) then take a look at the following resources...
I've personally hand picked each and every one of these resources based on the RESULTS they brought either myself or someone close to me. So you can be rest assured these are all quality books and resources. This is not just a collection of resources based on "critics opinions" or simply the fact that they were a "best seller" on Amazon. (Although I believe some of them were.)
I'm recommending these books to you simply because they've produced RESULTS. A.K.A....They made a dramatic difference in MY life or the life of someone close to me, therefore I recommend these books because I've seen them WORK.
I've broken the books up into several different categories so you can quickly skim to the topic you're most interested in...
Overcoming Your Negative Feelings
The following books support the concepts you learned about in the 7-Secrets Mini-Course. If you're still not convinced that the brain is directly connected and influenced by your emotions, these books will give you the proof you need.
1. Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
This book contains all the research of neuro scientists' findings about how your brain is directly connected to your emotions. This book proves that your ability to manage your emotions is MORE MPORTANT to your success in life than your IQ. I would strongly recommend this book because it reinforces the concepts I taught you about in the 7-Secrets Mini-Course.
2. Emotional Intelligence Quick-Book by Travis Bradberry
This book is endorsed by the Dalai Lama and Steven Covey, two of the top leaders in the self improvement industry. This book will teach you how to increase your "Emotional Intelligence" that will directly affect your relationships and your career. This is the book you should get after Emotional Intelligence because it will help you master and apply the concepts you learn about in Emotional Intelligence.
Marriage Problems
You should consider looking into these books if you're on the verge of divorce or if you simply want to improve your marriage or learn more about your spouse. Many of the married couples I work with have read these books and experienced life-changing results afterwards.
1. If Only He Knew by Gary and Norma Smalley
This book is for men who think that once you're married, you can just coast on "auto-pilot". It acts as a wake-up call for men who wonder what his wife's "problem" is. This book could be described as a preventative maintenance "tune-up" for your marriage. If, as a man, you're already "in trouble" with your wife, this book could be a turning point in your marriage, as it has been for many of the couples I've worked with.
2. The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace
This book was written for Christian women who believe they should be doing more for their part in their marriage. It can be a tough book to read if you're not ready. But for those who are, this book can help you create a marriage made in heaven.
3. The Exemplary Husband by Stuart Scott
This book was written for Christian men. If, as a Christian man, you want to follow what the Bible says about marriage, this book will help you understand what the scripture is telling you about how to be married right.
4. The 7 Principles For Making Marriage Work by John Gottman
If you want to know what most people DON'T know on the subject of marriage, one of the best people to listen to is John Gottman, who spent 25 years in the "Marriage Labaratory". John Gottman can predict with 91% accuracy, who will divorce in 5 years. This book will help you understand marriage in a non-therapist way. He gives lots of examples of different marriage problems he's come across over the years and also provides solutions on how to overcome these problems. You'll be sure to relate to at least one of them. I would consider reading this book above all other books on marriage because if you know nothing about being married, THIS is the place to start.
5. The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman
I highly recommend Gary Chapman's book, "The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate" if you’re lacking a certain “closeness” in your marriage. Often times we wish our spouse would treat us a certain way, but we never actually tell them what it is that we want them to do! Gary Chapman gives you practical advice on marriage by making it easy for you to communicate what you need from your spouse to feel loved…and what they need from you!
6. The "Secret Path" to Divorce by Larry Bilotta
This is a FREE, 10-page Special Report I created after seeing couple, after married couple cross the "Point Of No Return" in their marriage without even realizing it. When a couple reaches this point in their marriage, there's nobody that can save their marriage because either husband or wife has decided that the marriage is over...for good. So I created a map that couples can use to understand this "Secret Path" so they can avoid waiting until it's too late to do something about their marriage. I would recommend this report to all married couples because it gives you a perspective on where your marriage is right now and where the two of you are headed in the future.
1. Scream Free Parenting by Hal Edward Runkel
This book will teach you how to tune in to your children's words or actions, regardless of their age or gender. It will help you avoid knee-jerk reactions that you're later sorry for. The author teaches you how to teach your kids to solve their own problems at a "kid level" and gets them in the habit of making their own decisions and living with the consequences.
2. Parenting From The Inside Out by Daniel Siegel
This book teaches you about how our own childhood influences the people we are today. This book could best be described as "a scientific book with a heart" that is easy to read and comprehend. The book will help you understand what's going on in all your relationships...especially with your children. As an added bonus, there are exercises at the end of each chapter to help you apply what you've learned.
Self Image
1. Now Discover Your Strengths by Marcus Buckingham
This book will help you think about your strengths and how they apply to your career. The book puts out a strong message that you need to avoid thinking about your weaknesses. There's also an on line test you can take the corresponds with the book that will help you pinpoint your 5 strengths and what job you should be in to be successful in life.
2. Your Invisible Lifestyle by Larry Bilotta
This is another FREE Special Report I wrote that will teach you what REALLY determines your success level in life. The concepts in this report are also supported by the book, Parenting From The Inside Out (listed above). Your Invisible Lifestyle affects every part of your life from your self-esteem to your marriage and even your social life. Understanding your Invisible Lifestyle is a KEY part of having a successful relationship with anyone whether it's your child, spouse, boy/girlfriend, parents/relatives or even friends. After reading this report, be sure to read the follow up report below to learn how to overcome your troublesome habits or values that are preventing you from being happy in life.
3. How To "Decomission" Your Undesirable Programs by Larry Bilotta
In this FREE Special Report, I'll show you how to get over your habits or values that are causing you trouble today. Are you attracted to the wrong guys? Are you and your spouse or significant other always fighting over whose way of doing something is "right"? It's all due to your Invisible Lifestyle. This is the follow up report that goes along with the Invisible Lifestyle report.
I hope you fully take advantage of the resources I've provided for you. Many of these books have acted as a turning point in either my life or the lives of those who are close to me. Please share them with any friends and family who you think might benefit from them as well.
To a LESS stressful and MORE fulfilling life,
Larry Bilotta
Kudos to you. All the books mentioned are very good. As for the negative thoughts, anything by Joe Vitale is a must read. The reason I mention that is because many times when I've had marriage issues it turned out the problem was with ME, not my wife. After all, have you ever noticed that whenever there is a problem...YOU are there? If you want to have a happy marriage, then you'll need to clean the INSIDE of you as well. Peace.
Shane, At
5:55 AM
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