Self Esteem Secrets For Women

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

My Personal, Step-By-Step Plan For Reaching Goals

If you REALLY want to reach the goals you set for yourself this year, simply writing them down as a list and telling your friends about them is just not going to cut it.

Reaching your goals will not be difficult if you understand the following formula….

Consistency + Desire + Specificity – Fear = YOUR GOAL

There are 3 simple keys to setting and achieving your goals…

Key #1: Consistency

If you're going to reach a goal you NEED to be consistent. Most people jump on the “goal setting bandwagon” around New Years, setting goals for themselves with NO plan of action on how they're going to reach them.

And before they know it, they get caught up in everyday life and never think about their goals again.

This is what I call “Goal Setting and Forgetting.” Consistency is critical when it comes to reaching your goals.

Here's How To Be Consistent in Reaching Your Goals…

Have a routine.

If your goal is to lose 10 lbs by the end of the year, do something ever day (or week) that will bring you closer to that goal. It could be a morning walk before you start your day or eating at least 4 healthy meals per week.

Or maybe your goal is something that's not as “cut and dry” as losing weight. Let's say you want to improve your confidence.

To accomplish this, you still need to be consistent in your THINKING. You need to shift your ways of thinking and start a new routine. (There's that word again.) ;-)

For instance, to help you remember what you've learned from your favorite self-improvement book, you could write down on a sticky note next to your bed the key points that had the most impact on you.

Key #2: Desire

Goal setting is merely wishful thinking if you don't have a strong desire to reach your goal. You must organize your list according to the goals that you desperately want to achieve, and those that “would be nice” whether it's losing 10 lbs, finding a new job or improving your confidence.

Here's How To Separate Your "Would Be Nice" Goals From Your Urgent Desires…

Write down all of your goals that you've ever wanted to achieve. This is where Key #3 comes in, so I'll continue with Key #2 in a moment…

Key #3: Be Specific

When writing down your goals, don't just say you want to “lose weight”, set a SPECIFIC amount of weight to lose. Keep this goal fresh in your mind…and most importantly…STICK TO IT! Don't stop the routine.

Key #2: Desire (Continued)

Once you've finished writing down your SPECIFIC goals, rate your level of desire for each goal using a scale of 1-10.

(10 = Yes, I want it the most!”)

(1 = “It would be nice, but it's not too important to me.”)

When you're finished, separate the page into 3 columns below your goals. Label the first column, as “Easy”, the second as “Somewhat difficult” and the third as “Challenging”. Then re-write each of your goals into the 3 columns, including your level of desire for that particular goal.

Ask yourself, “How easy (or difficult) will it be for me to reach this goal?” and put the goal in it's appropriate category.

Now that you've organized your goals, start with the goal that is in the “Easy” column with the strongest “Desire score.”

When you reach one of your goals, (no matter how easy it may be) you’ll be mentally rewarding yourself by thinking, “Oh, I CAN do this!”

Then continue on with your next goal in the “Easy” column with the highest desire score and so on until you eventually move into the challenging column and start achieving those goals.

By the time you reach the challenging set of goals, you'll have “trained” yourself to routinely think about and consistently reach your goals, so they will not seem as difficult as they once were.

But before you start reaching your first goal, you must create your action plan for this goal. Be sure to ONLY create an action plan for the goal you're currently working on.

There is no need to overwhelm yourself at this point by thinking about your plan of action for the other goals. Write down what you're going to do every day to reach this goal.

There's an old saying that's been around for a long time…

“Those Who Fail To Plan, Plan To Fail.”

And it's true, if you don't have a clear picture of where you're going, you're simply not going anywhere. So don't skip this part of the system. It will require a bit of thought, planning ahead and discipline but it's the only way you're going to reach your goals.

No plan = no goals = The same results as last year.

Here's One Thing You MUST NOT DO…

DO NOT try to reach more than one goal at a time. It's easy to feel overwhelmed when you've got a lot you want to accomplish, so don't fall into the trap of thinking you need to accomplish every one of your goals this month…or this year for that matter.

Take your time and you WILL reach your goals at your own pace. This is not a race.

But the most important key to this system of all is to practice these techniques on a DAILY BASIS. Set aside a slot of time to re-read your plan of action to reach your current goal in the morning and at night.

So What Can Stop You From Reaching Your Goals?

I've laid out a step-by-step system you can use to accomplish your goals, so now there's now way you can fail. Right?


Fear of failure is what stops MOST people from accomplishing their goals. Don't let it happen to you! You will never take ACTION if you let your fear get in the way of what you want to accomplish.

Also, don't listen to other PEOPLE who try to discourage you. Some people MAY try to discourage you whether it's out of pure jealousy or just ill will. I don't care if they are family members, your very own husband or wife or your best friend.

NOBODY Knows What You're Capable Of. So It's Up To YOU To Prove Them Wrong.

So what are you waiting for? Get started on this today. This is YOUR YEAR, the year you'll prove that you can accomplish anything when you set your mind to it.

Larry Bilotta, an expert on building self-esteem, makes it easy to instantly eliminate painful feelings in 20 seconds, STOP dwelling on your problems and START feeling better about yourself. Get your FRE.E 7-day email course at


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